Monday, January 13, 2014

Small Charcoal Grill as an Incinerator

I picked up a Weber Smokey Joe grill on one of my scrounging trips and at first didn't have a real use for it as I have a nice propane grill already.

Then I discovered its utility as an incinerator.

In this case I'm burning some scrap wood to get rid of it and have a bit of warmth on a sunny winter day.
I can also burn papers I don't want to go in the trash, cardboard, and like items. Afterward, I can spread the ash on my compost heap or in my flower beds to improve the mineral content in them.

Check your local ordinances, but I doubt anyone would ever get hassled for burning small amounts of burnable waste in a charcoal grill. I do admit this would probably not work in an apartment complex, but then your chances of having a garage are lower as well.

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