Monday, January 13, 2014

Zip Lock Bag Storage Ideas

Zip Lock bags can be used to store a variety of items and they have definite advantages over other forms of storage.

First, the clear plastic film makes identifying items in the bag a snap.

Second, the bag collapses down to just the bulk volume of whatever is in it which saves space.

Third, the contents can be written onto the bag in Sharpie further improving identification of the contents.

Fourth, buying them at Dollar Tree or your local discount store keeps the cost per bag down to just a few cents. Never buy the name brand bags as they are always twice as expensive and never more than just a little better quality.

Fifth, the ability to seal the bag tends to keep items in the bag.

Sixth, the ability to seal the bag can protect the contents from drying out (such as rolls of tape).

Seventh, the ability to seal the bag protects the contents from water and dirt.

Eighth, the accommodating nature of the bags makes it easier to organize parts in sub-assembly groups during dis-assembly of some contraption in need of work.

There are a few disadvantages as well.

One, the flimsy variety of the bags do not hold up to things like wads of nails or other sharp objects. Use freezer bags if durability is likely to be an issue.

Two, the bags are not very good at storing heavy objects without the possibility of tearing open.

Three, digging through a pile of bags looking for a specific something is still a pain in the butt.

At any rate, here's a photo of some of the common uses for Zip Lock bags.

It may be a bit hard to see what is in the bags, so in front is a roll of masking tape, then a handful of staples. Next to the staples lies a bag of deck and wood screws, and in the back are some cubes of candle wax.

Let's not forget the variety of sizes available as well.  I keep the sandwich and snack sizes in the garage all the time, and swipe the quart and gallon size from the kitchen whenever I need the extra room.

The name of the game is to improve organization in the garage without cutting into the garage budget any more than absolutely necessary. Keeping a couple boxes of these does a fine job and the cost per box can be around a Buck.

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